Handling Transactions and Codes > Posting Patient Procedures > Using the Assistant in Transactions Windows
To display the Assistant and see transaction information:
Open the patient or account Transactions window.
Select Zoom from the Options section of the Express bar or Options menu. The Assistant window is displayed.
Pin the Assistant window to use it for several transactions by clicking the push pin symbol in the upper-left corner of the window. The window is displayed as you select each transaction.
If you pin the Assistant window, it is displayed each time you open the patient Transactions window.
The Assistant window is organized into three pages.
The following items are displayed at the top of each page:
Patient name and identification number
ADA code
Date of service
The following information is displayed on each page:
The ADA Code description, number, and background color are displayed at the top of the first page. The insurance status is displayed at the bottom of the page. Tooth number, tooth surface, RTU, fee, tax, total amount of procedure, insurance payment, patient payment, write off, total amount paid, and transaction age information is also displayed on this page.
Insurance claim information is displayed on the second page and includes transaction notes.
Diagnostic codes and descriptions are displayed on the third page. The table includes the anesthesia units, follow up calls, PCIs (Prosthesis Crown Inlay), and PCI date information. Surface information is displayed at the bottom of the page.
Click the arrows to move from page to page.