Daily Reports: Morning

The following table lists the recommended morning reports that you should run each morning.

Name and Path


Confirmation List

Reports > Confirmation List

 Confirmation status of patient appointments for a specified date.

 List can be sent to the Contact Expert.

Short Call List

Reports > Recall/Appt > Short Call List

 Scheduled patients willing to move their existing appointment to an earlier opening.

 Patients in the tickler file willing to accept an appointment on short notice.

 List can be sent to the Contact Expert.

Missed Appointments

Reports > Missed Appointments

 Patients who missed their appointment yesterday.

 Moves missed appointments from the Daily Appointments window to the tickler file.

 Moves posted appointments to the history file.

 List can be sent to the Contact Expert.


To view a printable job aid that lists the reports you should run each morning, see Daily Reports: Morning.