Creating Referral Categories

Before you can run the Referral Source Analysis report, you must create the categories by which you will sort your referral sources. When you have created the categories, you can assign a category to each of your referring doctors. See Adding a Referring Doctor for more information on assigning categories.

To create referral categories:

  1. Select System > Referral Categories (1). The REFERRAL CATEGORIES list window is displayed.

  2. Click in a field to activate the window, and click Add. The REFERRAL CATEGORIES window is displayed.

  3. Type the category name and click OK.

  4. Click Add, and type the name of the next category.

  5. When you have added all of your categories, click Close. The REFERRAL CATEGORIES list window is displayed.

For information about running the Referral Source Analysis report, see Running Referral Reports.


Related Topics

Editing Referral Categories

Running Referral Reports