Copying a Fee Schedule

Instead of entering amounts for all the fee schedules, you can copy one fee schedule to another and then modify it by a percentage.

Fee schedules display in the ADA/Transaction Codes list window for all procedure codes. Always use fee schedule 0 as your base charge.

To copy a fee schedule:

  1. Select System > Fees Maintenance > Copy Fee Schedule. The Copy Fee Schedule window is displayed.

  2. In the Copy From Fee Schedule # field, type the number of the fee schedule you want to copy.

  3. This field defaults to 0 for the cash payment schedule since most new fee schedules are based on a percentage of the fee schedule 0 amount.

  1. In the Copy to Fee Schedule # field, type the number of the fee schedule to which you want to copy the information.

  2. Click OK.


Related Topics

Using Fee Schedules

Changing a Fee Schedule

Updating a Fee Schedule

Updating Bluebook Fees

Copying a Bluebook Between Plans

Copying an Allowed Amount from Plan to Plan