Converting CS Imaging Software Images to JPG Format

Before sending an e-mail, you can attach a CS Imaging software image and convert it to the JPG format. Recipients do not require the CS Imaging viewer to display the attached JPG image.


You cannot attach the CS Imaging software image viewer to a .jpg image.

To convert an attached image to the JPG format:

  1. In the patient record, select Documents. The Documents for window is displayed. Patient documents, images, and charts are displayed in the window.

  2. Expand the clinical images, select the image to e-mail, and select E-Mail. The SoftDent E-Mail window is displayed. The image is displayed in the Attached Items section of the window, and the patient name and an annotation is displayed in the Message section of the window.


To carbon copy or blind carbon copy a recipient, type an e-mail in the CC or BCC field.

  1. To send the e-mail to different recipient, select the addressee from the Recipient drop-down list. The recipient’s name and e-mail address are displayed.


To attach the Microsoft PowerPoint software viewer, select Attach PowerPoint Viewer.

  1. Type the e-mail subject and message.

  2. Select Convert Images to JPG Format.

  3. To embed annotations on the converted image, select Embed Annotations on JPG Image.

  4. Click OK (Send).

  5. Recipients cannot remove embedded annotations.