The commands available from the Options section of the Express bar or Options menu in the Claim List or Claim windows are:
Print Copy:Print Copy:Prints a copy of the claim.
Review Transactions:Review Transactions:Displays all transactions associated with the selected claim.
eClaim Status:eClaim Status:Displays the claim status of the electronic claim. This option is only available if you use eClaims.
Submit Primary:Submit Primary:Generates an insurance form to submit to the primary insurance carrier. You can print the claim or submit it to the batch file to print later. This updates the First Sent date on the Status tab of the Claim record. If you use the Electronic Claim Service (ECS), you can submit the claim electronically. If you use the Real Time Claim Submission service, and the carrier is ECS capable, you can submit the claim for immediate payor response.
Submit Secondary:Submit Secondary:Generates an insurance form to submit to the secondary insurance carrier. You can print the claim or submit it to the batch file to print later. This updates the First Sent date on the Status tab of the Claim record. If you use the Electronic Claim Service (ECS), you can submit the claim electronically. If you use the Real Time Claim Submission service, and the carrier is ECS capable, you can submit the claim for immediate payor response.
Cancel Claim:Cancel Claim:Cancels, rather than deletes, a submitted claim. Canceling a claim changes the claim status of all submitted transactions associated with the claim from Pr to Not Sent. You can resubmit the claim after making corrections.
Missing Teeth:Missing Teeth:Displays a window from which you specify missing permanent or primary teeth for the patient on the claim. Select the option for each missing tooth and click OK. If you use the charting module, any missing teeth marked on this window are also noted on the patient's chart.
Auto Dialer:Auto Dialer:Displays the Phone Numbers window for the patient. If you have a modem set up to work with the software, you can highlight the number to call and click Dial on the toolbar. The modem dials the number for you. If you do not have a modem, the Phone Numbers window is displayed for your reference only.
Contacts:Contacts:Displays a list of contacts for the selected claim sorted by date or by type.
Documents:Documents:Opens the Documents For Claim tree view, in which you can select scanned or captured documents and images associated with this claim to view.
View Insurance Company:View Insurance Company:Displays insurance company information for the selected claim.
Create NEA Attachment:Create NEA Attachment:Opens the Send Attachments to NEA window, which enables you to select images and type in narratives associated with the claim.
Send NEA Attachments:Send NEA Attachments:Starts the NEA software and transmits any existing files to the NEA repository. You must have an open connection to the Internet to do this.
1 Check for NEA Updates:1 Check for NEA Updates:Displays updated files sent by the NEA repository.