Entering Code Scheduling Information

Before attempting to enter ADA, CPT, or transaction code scheduling information, enter general information on the Information tab. For more information, see Adding ADA, CPT, and Transaction Codes.

You can create up to 27 different fee schedules and set up different charges for the same code. This feature is useful for multiple-provider practices that use different fees for each doctor or unique requirements, such as senior citizen discounts. Fee schedule 0 can be used for bluebook entries.

To enter code scheduling information for a new code:

  1. From the ADA/CPT/Transaction Code window, click the Scheduler/Fees tab or press Ctrl + Tab.

  1. To change the color group definition assignment, click OK and select Change Color.

  2. Type the number of time units required to perform the procedure in the Time Units field.

  3. Type the number of time units required when scheduling the procedure with other procedures in the Multi Time Units field, and type the number of real time minutes it takes to complete the procedure in the RTU minutes field.

  1. To use the scheduler template, select Use Scheduler Template. If you use this feature, providers are automatically assigned to the code, and a warning is displayed if there are scheduling conflicts.

  2. Type provider codes for the personnel required for each time unit of an appointment in the Scheduler Template field.

Example:Example:If a procedure requires the assistant for the first time unit, the hygienist for the next two units, and the dentist for the last time unit, type AHHD in the Scheduler Template field.

  1. Type the doctor’s fee in the 0 field. Fields 0 through 26 specify charge amounts for up to 27 different fee schedules.

  2. To save the new procedure code information, click OK.
