Setting Up Insurance > Running Insurance Reports > Running Insurance Practice Management Reports
The Capitation Plan Encounter report lists all patients with transactions posted for a specific time period for a selected capitation plan. It also shows how many patients were seen in this period, the total number of procedures performed, and the total amount charged to these patients.
To run the Capitation Plan Encounter report:
Select Reports > Practice Management > Insurance Reports > Capitation Plan Encounter. The Output Options window is displayed.
Select an output and click OK. The Contractual Plan Production by ADA Codes Report window is displayed.
In the Date Range section, click the drop-down arrows to select the dates from a calendar.
In the Plan ID section, click the drop-down arrows to select the insurance plan.
In the Doctors section, use the drop-down arrows to select specific providers, or leave 999 to report on all providers.
Click OK.
This report will not run unless you specify a valid plan ID. Information on this report includes the patient’s ID and name, Social Security number, birth date, and the employee’s name and Social Security number. The code, its description, service date, fee, and co-payment amount are also displayed.
RVU—Number of time units specified for the transaction code on the Scheduler/Fees tab of the ADA/Transaction Code record.
Fee—Fee charged for service (based on the plan fee in the bluebook).
Co-pay—Patient’s portion of the fee charged (based on the plan fee in the bluebook).
Total Patients Seen—Total number of patients included in the report.
Total procedures performed—Total number of production transactions included in the report.
Total Amount charged to patients—Total Fee amount charged for service.