Cancelling and Resubmitting an Insurance Claim

To cancel and resubmit an existing insurance claim:

  1. Select List > Patient. The Patient List window is displayed.

  2. Select the patient and click Transactions. The Transactions window is displayed.

  3. Click Outstanding Ins. The Outstanding Insurance window is displayed.

  4. Select the claim and click View Claim. The Claim window is displayed.

  5. Select Cancel Claim. A message is displayed.

  6. Click Yes. A message is displayed.

  7. Click Yes, and close the Outstanding Insurance window.

  8. From the Express Bar of the Transactions window, click Submit Ins to resubmit the claim. A Submit transactions between: Start date and End date message is displayed.

  9. Click OK. The claim now has a new claim number.

  10. Click OK. A message is displayed.

  11. Click OK.