Setting up Treatment Plan Auto-Creation

PracticeWorks can be set up to automatically create a treatment plan when an appointment is made. This helps ensure that if the patient cancels the appointment, the information about the appointment and the patient’s condition is not lost. You can use the Unscheduled Treatment Plan Contact Expert to schedule procedures.

Any procedure that would typically be included in a treatment plan, such as bridges or crowns, should be set up to be added to a treatment plan automatically. The description of the treatment plan created becomes Ongoing treatment (auto created) and the status is In progress.

To set up a transaction code for auto-create:

  1. From the Lists menu, select Transaction codes. The Transaction Code List is displayed.

  2. Ensure that Dental codes is selected under Ledger codes to display at the bottom of the screen.

  3. Highlight a code in the list and click OK. The Transaction Code Definition window is displayed.

  4. Under Supplementary information, check the Add to tx plan when scheduled box, and then click OK.

Repeat this procedure for any other codes you want to be added to treatment plans automatically.