Using the Referrals Window

You can attach referral information to a patient record, including an existing patient who refers the patient to your practice, as well as any new patients that this patient refers. You can also track incoming and outgoing referrals from or to other doctors.

To access patient's referral information:

  1. In the patient’s Clipboard, click the Referrals button at the bottom of Page 1. The Referral Information window is displayed.

    The top portion of the window summarizes the practice referral information, including patients referred by this patient, who referred this patient to the practice, and the patient's next appointment date.

  1. To add or change the source that referred this patient to your practice, click Change Referrer. The Referral Sources window is displayed.

  2. You can select Change Date to change the referral date, or Clear Referrer to remove the existing referral source.

  1. In the Include these referral types section at the bottom of the window, select Incoming Referrals, Outgoing Referrals, or both.

The Professional Referrals section displays a list of referrals along with the type, the professional referred to by, the date, the date due back, the status, and the date completed. You can select a referral from the list and click one of the following:

  1. Select the name from the list and click OK.

Adding Professional Referral Information

Use the Incoming and Outgoing tabs of the Referral Information window to document referrals between your practice and other professionals for this patient.

Select the appropriate tab and follow these steps:

  1. Click Add New. The entry fields become active.

  2. In the Referral Status field, use the drop-down list to select the status of the referral, such as Pending Appointment or Referred Out.

  3. To populate the Referred By or Referred to field, click Select, and select the source from the pick list.

  4. Enter the appropriate dates in the Referral Date, Due Back, and Date Seen or Date Returned fields.

  5. Enter comments in the Reason for referral and Status Notes fields as needed.

  6. When you have finished, click Save Record.


Related Topics

Referral Tracking

Referral Reports