Managing Patient Accounts > Using Ortho Contracts
The claims schedule determines when the continuation-of- treatment claims are submitted to the insurance company. Complete the fields on this tab, and then generate the schedule by clicking Calc monthly fee or Calc claims schedule.
Recalculate if you change any of the fields that would affect the schedule, such as Estimated length of tx, or Frequency of submissions.
After the schedule has been generated, you can edit an individual claim by clicking on it. If you edit the schedule, make sure the Total figure at the bottom equals the Total tx fee figure at left, minus the Initial fee. The contract cannot be saved unless the amounts match.
You can click Print to print a pre-determination or the claim schedule. You can view or resubmit the initial claim, or the highlighted claim in the schedule.
If the patient's insurance changes any time during the life of the contract, you can update the insurance from the Clipboard, and then generate a new initial claim for the new insurance company.