Defining Custom Contact Experts

Contact Experts enable you to automate your communications with patients, insurance companies, and labs. PracticeWorks provides you with several ready-to-use Contact Experts described in the section entitled Using the Contact Experts.

To use PracticeScript to define new Contact Experts for your practice:

  1. From the Experts menu, select Contact Expert > User defined... The User Defined Contact Expert Pick List is displayed.

  2. Click Add. The User Defined Contact Expert Definition window is displayed.

  3. In the Description field, type the name of the new Contact Expert.

  4. In the Based on data from field, use the drop-down list to select the type of data you want to use in the Contact Expert.

  5. In the Type of contact to associate with this Expert field, use the drop-down list to select the type of Contact Expert you want to create.

  6. Next to Include every record that matches, click Formula. The Include all records that match... window is displayed

  7. Select from the available fields, functions, and operators to create the formula for the Contact Expert.

  1. When you have finished building the formula, click OK. A message is displayed if the syntax is incorrect, and you can try again. When the syntax is valid, you are returned to the User Defined Contact Expert Definition window.

  2. Add, remove, or edit columns by using the buttons at the bottom of the window.

  3. Click OK. The new expert is added to the User Defined Contact Expert Pick List.


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