Creating a New Analysis Expert

To create a new Analysis Expert, first decide which numbers you want for the calculations, such as the number of new patients in the previous month, or the amount of hygiene production in the previous quarter.

These numbers can be a count of anything, or a sum of any numerical data, in any of the following categories:

To create a new Analysis Expert:

  1. From the Experts menu, select Analysis Expert... The Analysis Expert Pick List is displayed.

  2. Click Add. The Analysis Expert Definition window is displayed.

  3. In the Description of spreadsheet field, enter a name or description for the Analysis Expert you are creating.

  4. Click Add cell. The Data Cell Definition window is displayed. Use this window to label the spreadsheet cells and determine the content of each cell.

  5. In the Cell value based on data from field, use the drop-down list to select the source of this field’s data. You can also click Copy from other Spreadsheet if you have an existing file from which to borrow.

  6. For the Cell value, select one of the following:

  1. To specify which records in the database the expert will count or add, use the Formula button beside Include in value every record that matches. Define the PracticeScript formula, and then click OK to add this formula to the data cell definition.

  2. You can define column titles by clicking Formula in the Breakdown into columns, titled with area.

  3. Click OK. The cell is added to the Analysis Expert Definition window.

  4. Continue to add cells until the Analysis Expert is defined. You can edit the expert by highlighting a particular cell in the list and clicking Remove cell or Edit cell.

  5. Click OK when you are finished, and the new expert is added to the Analysis Expert Pick List.


Related Topics

Analyzing Data with the Analysis Expert

Using the Analysis Expert Spreadsheet