Setting Charting Options

To set Charting options:

  1. Click the Maintenance icon . The OrthoTrac Maintenance window is displayed.

  2. Click Charting Maintenance. The Charting Maintenance window is displayed.

  1. In the Charting Options section, set the following options:

  2. Display Procedure Descriptions in Comments Section*

  3. Display Cancellation Appointment History*

  4. Display Change Appointment History*

  5. Display Walk In History*

  6. Display No Show History*

  7. Sort Futures in Descending Date Order*

  8. Prompt when Progress Review is overdue

  9. Allow Keyboard Entry of Procedure Codes*

  10. Show Latest Data Combo Values in Events Window*

  11. Display Patient Education History*

  12. Display Call History

  13. Display Recall History

  14. Auto Load Image on Detached Tab

  15. Use Original Tx Card

  16. Hide Promises by default

  17. Hide Notes Preview on Tx Card

  18. Hide Medical Alerts by default

  19. Show full Tx history

*These options apply only to versions prior to version 14. As of version 14, this information is always displayed.

  1. Click OK.