Transferring Information from the Treatment Card

To transfer information from the Next Appointment section of the treatment card:

  1. From the patient's chart, select Functions > Schedule Appointment. The Appointment summary view is displayed.

  2. Click Schedule Appointment. The View Schedule window is displayed.

  3. In the Charting Detail standard, the procedure information for the next appointment is displayed. Click Find Appointment. The View Schedule window displays a list of appointment times corresponding to that procedure type.

  4. Select an appointment time. The appointment information is displayed, including the patient name, the date, time, chair, type, time units, and any comments.

  5. Select the Charting option. The window expands, showing the details of the Next Appointment section of the patient’s treatment card.

  6. The Charting option is not enabled if the patient does not have an active treatment plan or does not have an appointment specified in Charting.

  1. Click Paste. The appointment information is transferred to the new appointment.

  2. If the appointment type displayed in the top half of the Schedule Appointment - Appointment Details window differs from the appointment type displayed in the bottom half of the window, you must have Override Pre-Block security permissions to transfer information.

  1. Make any necessary changes to the new appointment information.

  2. Click OK to schedule the appointment. The software prompts you, asking if you would like to clear this information from Charting. If this is a one-time appointment (for example, Records), click Yes. If this is an appointment type that is repeated (for example, Adjustment), click No, and the appointment information remains in the Next Appointment section of the treatment card, so you do not have to re-key the information for the next appointment.

  3. Click Close twice.


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Using Cut and Paste Scheduling

Transferring Information from an Unkept Appointment

Transferring Information from a Treatment Plan