Setting Up Carrier Coverage

After you have added a new insurance carrier, you can set up the amount of coverage the carrier pays for each procedure. Charges are attached to your procedure codes. The Insurance Coverage window enables you to enter the total amount the carrier pays and the amount for which the patient is responsible.

To enter carrier coverage:

  1. Select Functions > Maintenance/Set-up > Carrier Maintenance from the menu bar.

  2. In the OrthoTrac Carrier Lookup window, select the carrier and click Change. The Carrier Maintenance window is displayed.

  3. Click Coverage. The Insurance Coverage window is displayed.

  4. Click the Lock icon in the right corner of the window to set the status of this carrier to Locked or Unlocked.

  5. The Lock icon controls whether changes made to your procedure codes apply to the selected carrier. If you edit your procedure codes and then make a global change, the changes do not apply to any carriers you have locked.

  1. Select the Coverage Type for this carrier by clicking one of the option buttons.

  2. Select the first procedure code that you want to edit for this carrier and enter information in the columns.

  3. After entering the amounts for all of the procedure codes, click OK.


Related Topics

Setting Up Carriers

Adding a New Carrier

Changing a Carrier

Printing Carrier Labels

Deleting a Carrier