Processing Continuation of Treatment Claims

Continuation of Treatment claims are generated monthly. When you are ready to process the Continuation of Treatment claims for the entire month, it is important to process the claims in this order: Confirm, Generate, and Print.

You can enter Continuation of Treatment claims at any time during the month. You can generate and print as many times as necessary. Each claim generates only one time per month unless changes have been made on the claim.

To process Continuation of Treatment claims:

  1. Click the Insurance Functions button from the main menu. The Insurance Functions menu is displayed. Select Continuation of Treatment.


Select Functions > Insurance Functions > Continuation of Treatment from the menu bar. The Continuation of Treatment window is displayed.

  1. In the Processing Options section, select Confirm All Printed Claims and click Confirm. The software displays a prompt, stating that the Description of Services section will be removed and asking if you want to continue. Click Yes. The text in the Description of Services section is removed in all of the Continuation of Treatment claims printed last month.

  2. When the claims are confirmed, a Confirming Complete! message is displayed. Click OK. Select Generate Claims in the Processing Options section and click Generate. The software processes the insurance claims and populates the Description of Services line on the Continuation of Treatment claim forms for the current month.

  3. When the software finishes generating the claims, a Generating Complete! message is displayed. Click OK. In the Processing Options section, select Print All Unprinted Claims and click Print.

  4. Be sure that you have loaded insurance claim forms in your printer. The software does not print the actual form.

Only manual claims (claims not transmitted electronically) print. Electronic Continuation of Treatment claims are created (batched) for submission under Claim Processing/Create Electronic Claims. See Using the OrthoTrac Electronic Claim Service for more information.

  1. To print mailing labels for these claims, select Print Mailing Labels for Claims and click Print.


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