Patient Reports



Report Type


Patient Information Form


Sample Report

Blank Form

Prints a blank form for the patient to fill in his address, phone number, responsible party information, and so on, during the first visit.

Form for Specific Patient

Prints a completed patient information form for a specific patient you select using the OrthoTrac Patient Lookup window. This report is also available from inside a patient’s chart.

Use Extended Format


Prints a blank form for the patient to fill in address, phone number, responsible party information, and so on, and includes extra fields for additional questions you want the patient to answer. 

Blank Responsible Party Form


Prints a blank form for the responsible party to fill in his address, phone number, financial information, and so on.

Patients Added in a Specific Month


Sample Report



Produces a list of patients added during a specific month. This report enables the doctor to track peak periods in the practice and determine if the practice is growing at a rate comparable to past years.

Patients Added Since Specific Date


Sample Report



Produces a list of patients added to the system since the date entered. This report enables the doctor to track peak periods in the practice and determine if the practice is growing at a rate comparable to past years.

Patient Listing


Sample Report



Produces a list of patients including their address, phone number, status, type, location, birthdate, and Social Security number. Can be printed in alphabetical order or numerical order by patient number.

Patients By



Sample Report


Produces a list of patients sorted by outside doctor. Can be printed for one doctor or all doctors, and filtered by doctor specialty.



Sample Report


Produces a list of patients sorted by staff doctor, indicated in the Patient Information window. Can be printed for one doctor or all doctors.



Sample Report


Produces a list of patients sorted by type (class division) for all locations or a single location.



Sample Report


Produces a list of patients sorted by status.



Sample Report


Produces a list of patients sorted by location. Can be printed for one location or all locations.

Zip Code


Sample Report


Produces a list of patients sorted by zip code.

Patients With



Sample Report


Produces a list of all patients with comments in their chart. You can filter the list by all comments, medical comments only, or non-medical comments only.

Specific Statuses


Sample Report


Produces a list of patients with specific statuses that you select.

Patient Without

Valid Appointments


Sample Report


Produces a list of patients without valid appointments.

Valid Recalls


Sample Report


Produces a list of patients without valid recalls. (This report includes patients with valid appointments.)

Valid Appointments or Recalls


Sample Report


Produces a list of patients without valid appointments or recalls. The front office staff can use this report to schedule appointments, The report lists patients, phone numbers, and a brief appointment history. Options are available to restrict the list to prevent valid recalls (current month and alpha) or certain patient statuses from displaying on the list.

Responsible Party


Sample Report


Produces a list of patients without a responsible party.

Financial Responsible Party


Sample Report


Produces a list of patients without a financial responsible party.

Specific Statuses


Sample Report


Produces a list of patients excluding certain statuses.

Patient Procedure History


Sample Report



Produces a list of procedures and the patients on whom the procedures were performed during the date range specified for all locations or a single location.

Patient Birthdays





Sample Report


Produces a list of patients with a birthday during a specified month for all locations or a single location. The list can be filtered by age and status.



Sample Report


Prints labels for patients with birthdays in a specified month for all locations or a single location. The labels can be filtered by age and status.

Chart Labels


Sample Report



Prints labels for patient charts after patients are added to the system. You can print all or specific patients, labels that have been previously printed and labels that have not been printed, all or specific clerks, labels for all dates, or labels for a specific date range.

You can also select sheet labels or a label printer as the label type, and you can specify a printer for labels. When a label printer is selected, OrthoTrac displays a sample of what the label will look like, as well as a message asking you to confirm that you are ready to generate labels with the label printer.

Patient Statistical Profile


Sample Report



This report provides the doctor with an overview of the patients and responsible parties in the practice and lists risk, bill type, location, patient type, and patient status. The report also includes the number and percentage of people in each category type. The report can be generated for all doctors or a specific doctor, and all locations or a specific location.

Patient Completion Report


Sample Report



Produces a list of all patients in the practice with an estimated completion date. This report can be run using past or future dates and enables you to view patients who have missed their completion date or are approaching their completion date. The report gives the office a general idea as to whether the doctor is completing cases in a timely manner. Use this report in conjunction with the Patient Procedure History report to explain why a patient is over treatment time. You can give a copy of the report to a patient to explain missed completion dates. The report can be filtered by dates and by status.

Patient Progress Review


Sample Report



Produces a list of patient progress review dates. The list can be filtered by dates and by status.

Missing Patient Data


Sample Report



Produces a list of missing data from the Patient Information window. You can search for all missing fields or specific fields only.

Deleted Patients


Sample Report



Produces a list of patients deleted from the system.