Miscellaneous Reports




All Questions for a Questionnaire


Sample Report


Produces a list of available existing questionnaires. The report lists all questions, the type of question, the answer (quantifier), patient text, doctor text, and other text for the selected questionnaire.



Sample Report


Produces a list of procedures in a grid format with the procedure code and amount charged for each procedure. The bucksheet can be used as a checklist of procedures performed on a patient. You can print the bucksheet in alphabetical order or numerical order.

Carriers and Associated Patients


Sample Report


Produces a list of carriers and employers with the patients and responsible parties linked to each carrier. The responsible party’s Social Security number or insurance ID number prints on the report to facilitate follow-up with the carrier and proper claim submission. You can print all carriers or a range of carriers.

Carrier/Employer Listing


Sample Report


Produces a list of carriers and the employers using them.

Doctor Listing


Sample Report


Produces a list of all the dentists/doctors in the OrthoTrac software. The report lists the doctor’s specialty, office address, phone number, and office manager, as well as the total number of patients assigned to this doctor, the total number of patients referred month-to-date, the total number of patients referred year-to-date, referral group information, and the total number of patients referred cumulatively.

Future Patients


Sample Report


Produces a list of future patients (non-patient family members of existing patients) who will be a certain age in a specified month and year. You can also print future patient age labels using this report.

Security permissions are required to run this report.

Mailing Labels


Sample Report


Prints labels for patients, responsible parties, insurance carriers, or doctors. You can print mailing labels for all parties, a range of parties, or a specific party, and you can select all locations or a specific location, all statuses or a specific status, and all doctors or a specific doctor.

Patient/Responsible Party Xref


Sample Report

You have two options when printing this report:

Patients with Associated Responsible Parties: Produces a list of patients and their responsible parties, along with the responsible party’s Social Security number and phone number.

Responsible Parties with Associated Patients: Produces a list of responsible parties and the patients for which they are responsible.

Procedures Listing


Sample Report

Produces a list of the procedure codes with the code number, description, insurance description, fees, CPT and ADA codes. If review, banding, and completion dates are changed by posting a procedure, that information is included.

The report indicates whether the procedure activates a pending contract, creates an insurance claim, changes patient status, posts a letter, posts to patient tracking history, or creates a visit charge contract. You can print the report in either alphabetical or code number order for all procedure codes or only active procedures. Use this report in conjunction with other system maintenance functions, such as scheduling, daysheet monitors, and carrier coverage.

Procedures— Totals

Produces a list of the procedure totals and money generated from each procedure for the year. You can print the report for all procedures or selected procedures, for all locations or a single location, and for all doctors or a specific doctor. The Procedure Totals report gives the doctor a month-to-month recap of all procedures done in the office and the financial revenue generated, as well as a total count. The report also gives a summary with annual figures. Specific procedures selected for the Procedure Totals report can be saved in a report list, which can be run on a regular basis.


Produces a list of procedure totals for the year, broken down by totals for each month. You can print the report for all procedures or selected procedures, for all locations or a single location, and for all doctors or a specific doctor. The Procedure Counts report gives the doctor a total count of the procedures performed in the office for each month. The report also gives a summary with annual figures. Specific procedures selected for the Procedure Counts report can be saved in a report list, which can be run on a regular basis.

Procedures—By Assistant

Produces a list of procedure totals by assistant. This report gives the doctor a list of all procedures performed by a specific assistant for a range of dates, for a specific month, or for a specific year, and can be a useful tool for evaluation and training purposes to ensure that each assistant is trained in all procedures.

Status Code Listing


Sample Report


Produces a list of patient statuses in the system.

Staff Listing


Sample Report


Produces a list of all staff members in your practice.

Type Code Listing


Sample Report


Produces a list of all patient class types.

View HIPAA Security Audit Log

Produces a list of successful/unsuccessful login and logout attempts and tracks the times access is granted/denied to specific modules. A user with security permission can view the report and sort by any column; filter information by date range and user ID; and print the report. A purge function enables the user to purge selected portions of the report data.

Marketing Analysis Reports


Sample Report


Produces demographic information such as age analysis, zip code analysis, city analysis, referral analysis, and graphs.