Dragging and Dropping an Appointment

To use the drag-and-drop feature:

  1. Open the scheduler and click on the scheduled appointment you want to move.

  2. Drag the scheduled appointment over a valid drop area (either the clipboard or any appointment space where you can normally schedule an appointment), and the mouse icon changes from a "no drop" icon to a "can drop appointment" icon.  Example:

If you attempt to drag an appointment to a no-drop area, the drag is canceled. The appointment remains in the clipboard or on the schedule, depending on where the drag was started.

  1. When you have moved the appointment to the new location, release the mouse button. The Schedule Appointment window is displayed.

All appointment information including procedures and doctor time is transferred. Information in the Doctor and Location fields is not transferred because these fields are controlled by the schedule being displayed.

If the Schedule Doctor or Schedule Location has changed, the Schedule Appointment window displays a message in red text. Move the mouse over the text to display a tooltip that describes the change.


  1. Click OK.

After dragging and dropping an appointment and clicking OK, the original appointment is deleted from the schedule, and the new appointment is written. Patient Tracking is updated with the changed appointment entry.

If the appointment is on the current day or moved from the current day, Patient Flow is updated in the same way it would have been if you had changed the appointment.


Related Topics

Using Drag-and-Drop Scheduling

Using the Clipboard