Creating Claim Reports

Claim reports enable you to monitor the status and amount of claims in the software. You can print a list of all patient claims of a particular type (Actual, One-time, Continuation of Treatment, or Pre-authorization) that you have entered, regardless of whether they have been printed. You can print a separate report for each claim type, for any date or range of dates. In addition, if your practice has multiple doctors and locations, choosing the desired options can narrow the listing of claims even further.

To set up claim reports:

  1. Click the Insurance Functions button from the main menu. The Insurance Functions menu is displayed. Select Claim Reports.


Select Functions > Insurance Functions > Claim Reports from the menu bar. The Insurance Claim Reports window is displayed.

This window has several sections with different options that allow you to define what is included on the printed report. Note that some options are inactive (you cannot select them). For example, in a practice with one location/one doctor, both Location and Doctor options cannot be selected.

  1. Select the options you want to print on the report:

  2. After choosing the appropriate selections for the claim report, click Print. The Print Options window is displayed.

Select the Print Report, Preview Report (view on screen), or Export Contents option. You can also change the selected printer from this window. Click OK.

The basic information included on Pre-Authorization, One-Time, Actual, and Continuation of Treatment claim reports is the same:


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Using Claim Reports Effectively