Bulk Payments

Insurance companies send one bulk reimbursement check with the payment EOB breakdown by responsible/patient party. You must post the payments to the different patient accounts. The Bulk Payment feature gives you the ability to post payments for all patients insured by a specific carrier at one time.

To post a bulk check:

  1. Click the Insurance Functions button from the main menu. The Insurance Functions menu is displayed. Select Post Bulk Payment.


Select Functions > Insurance Functions > Post Bulk Payment from the menu bar. The OrthoTrac Carrier Lookup window is displayed.

  1. Select the insurance company that sent you the check and click OK. The Post Bulk Payment window is displayed. All patients assigned to that carrier, regardless of employer plan, are displayed.

  2. In the Payment Type field, select another payment type from the drop-down list if you want to change it from Ins Ck. See Hints and Tips for Working with Bulk Payments. Press Tab.

  3. In the Reference field, type  the reference number from the check. Press Enter.

  4. In the Check Amount field, type the amount of the check. Press Enter. The Unallocated amount is displayed (the same as the Check Amount), and the Allocated amount is $0.00.

Scan the list of patients and make sure all of those on the EOB are in the list. If all of the patients are not listed, review Hints and Tips for Working with Bulk Payments before continuing. Patient names display in alphabetical order by last name; to change the sort order, click on a different column heading.

The Paid column for the first patient in the grid is selected, and the Ins Cur and Pat Cur balance are displayed. Since this is an Insurance check, the Insurance balance is displayed, and the payment is posted to the Insurance account based on the following.

  1. If the amount displayed matches what is printed on the check’s EOB for that patient, press Enter. If the EOB lists a different amount, type the new amount and press Enter. A dialog box containing Patient and Insurance option buttons is displayed.

  2. Press Enter or click Apply to apply the check amount to the selected account. To apply the payment to the other account balance, use the arrow keys or mouse to select the account and then click Apply. A checkmark is displayed next to the balance paid.

  3. Select the next patient on the list.

As you enter amounts for each patient, the software tracks how much of the check is allocated and unallocated to help ensure that the entire check is posted.

  1. If you have selected the Assume Insurance Amount option at the bottom of the Post Bulk Payment window, the insurance current balance for all patients in the list is automatically entered as the payment amount. If you need to post a different amount, type it in the field.

  1. When all payments have been posted and the Unallocated amount is $0.00, click OK.

  2. Click Print to print a report. Attach the report to the EOB and save it to compare with the daysheet. The check reference number is printed at the bottom of the report. The check posts to the daysheet as a single transaction on the deposit slip and the various totals reports. The Transaction Detail lists the individual patients under the Bulk Payment Insurance Carrier.


Related Topics

Posting Bulk Payments

Hints and Tips for Working with Bulk Payments

Insurance Accounts Receivable Report