Addressee Types


Addressee Type



Uses a patient version of the letter and a responsible party version of the letter.

The software posts the patient letter to a patient who is 18 years of age or older.

  • If there is a responsible party with Relationship (on the Responsible Party window) set to Self and Send Letters is set to None the responsible party version of the letter will be used.

If the patient is under 18, the software posts the responsible party letter to all responsible parties who have Send Letters (on the Responsible Party window) set to All or Non-Financial Only.


The software always posts the letter to the patient.


Uses a patient version of the letter and a responsible party version of the letter.

The software posts the responsible party letter to the responsible parties who have Send Letters (on the Responsible Party window) set to All or Financial Only.

If there is a responsible party with Relationship (on the Responsible Party window) set to Self and Send Letters is set to All or Financial Only, the software posts the patient letter. It does not matter what the age of the patient is.

If there is a responsible party with Send Letters set to None or Non-Financial Only, the software does NOT post a letter.

Responsible Party

Uses a patient version of the letter and a responsible party version of the letter.

The software posts the responsible party letter to the responsible party that has Send Letters (on the Responsible Party window) set to All or Non-Financial Only.

If the responsible party relationship is set to Self and Send Letters is set to All or Non-Financial Only, the software posts the patient letter.


The software posts the doctor letter to the patient’s dentist or other doctor. If there is more than one doctor assigned to the patient, the software prompts you to select the correct doctor.

Referring Doctor

The software posts the doctor letter to the patient’s referring doctor. If there is more than one referring doctor, the software prompts you to select the doctor.

Referring Patient

The software posts the patient letter to the patient who referred this patient.

Referring Responsible Party

The software posts the responsible party letter to the responsible party who referred this patient.