Three different training options are available for CS Imaging users with an active maintenance agreement. We recommend training for new team members and hope you will find an option that works well for your and your team.
Self-paced training is available on the Carestream Dental Institute (CDI) at no additional cost to CS Imaging users.
To review self-paced training:
Request a CDI Account using this online form. In the Comments field, type CS Imaging Training.
Within two business days, you will receive a welcome email with instructions for logging into the CDI.
Log in to the CDI. For more information, see Accessing the Carestream Dental Institute.
Click Course Catalog and select Imaging > Dental Imaging.
Press Ctrl-F to search the Course Catalog for specific topics.
Click Learning Plans to add plans. Expand the plan and take the associated courses. Learning plans are groups of content recommended for new employees.
New Employee Workshops are also available for users. New employee workshops are interactive webinars developed especially for new users. Click here to find the schedule and register.
Live remote training is available at an hourly rate. Live remote training is recommended after users have completed self-paced training, have specific questions, and want to work with a certified trainer. Live remote training is customized to the needs of the user or practice.
If you are interested in investing in live training, email with the following information:
Your name
Your phone number or email address
When your request is received, a Carestream Dental representative will contact you to discuss options and costs.