Creating a Template

To create a template, follow these steps:

  1. In the Image Viewing Workspace or Darkroom mode, close all cephalometric images.

  2. In the CS Imaging task bar, click .  The Preferences window is displayed.

  3. In the Preferences window, click .

  4. Click Tracings Editor.

  5. In the Tracings Editor window, click New Template.

  6. Enter a name for the template in the New ceph tracings template window and click OK. By default, parameters are displayed without measurements.

  7. In the Landmark Structure tab, click to activate landmark structures for the new template. This will change active landmark structures to .

  8. If required, add additional structure points by clicking , and then click anywhere in the sample cephalometric image to enter the name of your new landmark point.

  9. In the Measurement tab, click to activate measurements for the new template.  This will change active measurements to .

  10. If required, add additional measurements by clicking .

            In the New Measurement window, define the new measurement entry and click OK.

  1. When you have finished creating your template, click Save, then Close.


Related Topics

Using the Tracings Editor

Copying a Template

Managing Landmark Structures

Managing Cephalometric Measurements